Sad little lives


Sorry about that folks, but we have been off line for a while as some sad people have been trying their best to destroy this site. Normal service is now being resumed, apart from himself being able to communicate with anyone. But hey, at least you can read the most important part of the site, our views and adventures. Aren’t you all lucky!


Lucky’s girls are growing up very nicely but sadly Lucky died of a chest infection about ten days after giving birth. However, it was because she was such a good mum for those first vital ten days that her four daughters have survived and are growing well. We did our bit of course for after a day or so when we were sure that Lucky wasn’t coming back, we began to nurse her babies for her.


The other sad news is that our old boy, Mr Chipper, who has been living with us for two years finally died, after a long life of nine and a half years. We reckon he was making up for his daddy’s short one which only lasted two and a half years. Himself informs us that Mr Chipper records in this house in that the only other one of our kind to grow that old, or as near as makes no difference was Ben who managed to make it to nine. We all miss Mr Chipper and himself blubbed a bit, but he always does when one of us dies. At least it proves that he has good taste and reassures us all that he won’t one day say, when one of us has got under his feet, woken him up or whatever, ‘That’s it, I have had enough of being the slave to you lot, out you go.’ No chance, he wouldn’t last a week without us to face the wide, wicked world without us!


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