New kid on the block.



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My names Chester and I am the new kid on the block. Well, himself figured that as my pen mate, Hercs recently died, a couple of weeks before the girls lost Mr Chipper, leaving them bereft of male company, I should move in with them.


I think himself is not as bad as they say he is for I think it’s a brilliant idea. He watched me very closely for the first few hours was in here, I think it was because he thought I would be interested in some nookie but all I need is some company and plenty of food. One of these forward wenches actually made a pass at me when she was in season, but I sent her off with a flea in her ear, rattled my teeth and told her to get on her bike.


I have done a thorough tour of inspection and I have to say that I reckon these water features are really ace for they seem to keep the water lovely and cool. All in all, I think I shall be very comfortable here, providing there are not too many of the girls like that hussy who think they can take advantage of me.


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