Two down, three to go.

As you can see, there are three boys left with Bitsy and we wish they would all remain all at her side as they are in this shot. It is extremely annoying to be goosed by baby boars and this is what they have started doing. We are definitely not into toy boys, well not as young as these little tykes are.

Click on image for a larger view!

    One has moved into the pen of one of the boarder boars who lost his mate a few weeks back and the owner asked for a baby to be his new companion. The other has moved in with Ben, who owns Diana, the lady who does all the lovely art work on the website. Both have settled in and Diana assured himself that her Ben has not eaten the wee one yet so it looks as though they have fallen on their feet. The rest of the boys are all ear marked for new homes already and little Lucy will be staying with us.

Ben and Fidel:  "The Power Struggle"
Ben and Fidel
Click on image for a larger view!

    Why is it that infant boars like these are so deeply into the older woman. Hmm, could be because they want a few pointers along the rocky road to sexual maturity. They certainly have a lot to learn for they jump on you without a ‘by your leave Mam’ or ‘excuse me, but are you available?,’ well a girl wants at least to be asked. They may think they are hot stuff but we like to be courted a wee bit, given time to say no, maybe, and if the time and fella is right, yes.  Being rugby tackled as you chunter about the pen, or sneaked up on as you are having a snooze or with your head in the feed bowl, is hardly the way to get a girl in the mood!

     I guess they have to experiment but we are damned if we can see any good reason why we should be their guinea pigs.

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