Delivery day!



Well, as you can see, Lucky did her stuff on Wednesday morning at nine thirty. She told us that she was doing it then to oblige himself, as she was sure that she would never hear the last of it if she did a Bitsy and had them in the wee small hours of the morning.


Click on the babies for a bigger picture!


She had two white, one cream and white and one black and ginger, which obviously took after his daddy. The cream and white is marked very much like their uncles, Jasper and Jake but where the all whites come from we haven’t a clue. Himself has been casting aspersions upon her mother, saying that perhaps there had been another boar in her life, other than the ginger and white. We all know that she’s not that kind of girl but he’s a man with a naughty mind.


There are two of each, two boys and two girls and they are all doing well. Debbie, the tri colour that came into us as a rescue has been nursing the babies as much as Lucky, but she doesn’t seem to mind, gives her a break we guess!






Click on any of us to see us bigger!


Himself is still drooling over the big girl, Ruby who arrived a couple of weeks ago, and she and her mate, Blanch were big hits up at GOSH. However, the rest of us make sure that they don’t get too big headed and though they are very large they don’t rate very high in the pecking order in this neck of the woods. He reckons that her snogability is, on a scale of one to ten, eleven! We shall definitely have to watch out for her hat size if it goes on like this



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