New arrivals.


We have two new members but not in the main pen. Their names are Lottie and Lacy, two six month old Peruvians. Now Lacy was fine but Lottie was a pain. She obviously made up her mind that she didn’t want to live with his for she kept attacking us. In the end himself gave in gracefully and made another separate pen at the end of ours and they moved in there. Good riddance to bad rubbish we all say. Himself says she is a pussy cat with people, just hates guinea pigs, well all apart from her mate Lacy!

A couple of weeks back we had great entertainment which left us all rolling on our backs, convulsed with laughter.

He always brings some portions of cucumber in on his dinner tray from the kitchen for Jake and Jasper always follow him in and do their ‘Beg pretty please’ routine. He has learnt that if he ignores them he is liable to get the bottom of his trousers lugged about so he is always prepared.


Well, there he was, salivating for his pasta dish with the powerful aroma of mushroom sauce wafting up balanced on his knees. However, this time Jasper was a tad over enthusiastic and missed the cucumber that was being proffered and sunk his incisors into his finger. There was a yelp of pain, the tray shot into the air, the Pyrex lid on which was the meal,  broke into pieces when it hit the floor and the pasta and sauce was spread all over the place.


The sight of both Jasper and Jake trying to gain traction to get their backsides back to the safety of the kitchen quarters, on the slippery tiled floor was a hoot, better than any cat canary cartoon. Even though we were all startled and rushed to the furthest corner, watching himself and listening to him, such language with many new words for us to learn, really made our evening. The icing on the cake of course, was that he never had any pasta a sauce left to make another plateful and was too much of a wimp to go out in the cold and buy some more.  We all felt like getting our violins out and playing sad tunes for him as he munched on cold cheese sandwich. He had a facer on him as though he was chewing on a wasp!

Jake and Jasper kept a very low profile for the rest of the evening!!!!


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