Little up start

    The ladies of the house have kindly allowed Ben, who lives with Diana and Andre, who run himself’s website, to give his view from the pen.
    Thank you ladies. For a start, I do wish you had exercised some measure of restraint upon the little snipey tripe hound during his formative days that I seem have been landed with. His name is Fidel, one of the sons of Bitsy, and I am given to understand that at one stage, himself had doubts about him surviving for long as he was a bit of a runt and was having problems getting to his mum’s milk. He not only survived but has grown into a bit of a jumping jack flash and is now running rings round me.

    He arrived a couple of weeks back and within a couple  days the cheeky beast was stealing the food from out of my mouth. I would take a big bite of something and then find that there seemed to be less of it when I got it onto my molar teeth than I thought there should be. As Fidel is such a wee one I hadn’t noticed him sneaking in under my chin and doing his snatch and grab in the early days but I am more careful now and keep and eagle eye out for him.

    Every time I leave my quarters, my steps are now dogged by this little mite and he keeps pop corning all over the place, reminding me that I am no longer  the younger spring chicken that I once was.

Click on images for a larger view!
Fidel1       Fidel 2

    He is a pain in the butt! He has moved in without a by your leave and seems to think I should be grateful for his company. Mind you, he has a similar coat to mine, he is as good looking as I am, I have to admit. Hmm..., I wonder if they’ll think I’m his dad. Hmm..., I like that. That’s my boy!

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