At long last there has been an article in a national newspaper, which gave the other side of vet care in this country, instead of that portrayed by Rolf Harris and the many TV vet programmes.


In the Saturday Telegraph, there was an article which said it like it is, with reports of vets who were incompetent, cruel, and totally indifferent to the concerns of the owners whose animals they have the monopoly to treat. It also lambasted that sick joke, the complaints department of the R.C.V.S.

The response of the R.C.V.S?  The usual complacency that is the hallmark of that corrupt organization, and a statement of the obvious that there is always a dissatisfied party to any dispute. Gee, goodly gosh,. thanks for the gold nugget of information, R.C.V.S. I couldn't have figured that out all on my own, you patronizing bunch of old fossils!


This article, along with exposure of that rip- off vet on the Watchdog programme is clear evidence of what this profession has been getting away with. Why?, because the R.C.V.S. always take the word of one of their members against that of the complainant. Every case that I have been involved with where and owner has made a complaint to the R.C.V.S. against a vet, the vet has been an outright congenital liar. They always blame the owner, or even the animal itself for their incompetence and never accept responsibility for what they have done.


As I have said many times, I know some absolutely brilliant vets, and have complete confidence in their skills; judgement and above all, honesty but there are far too few of them.


The R.C.V.S. seem to regard me as a bit of a freak with a chip on his shoulder. Not once has the notion entered their arrogant heads that I have one bottom line, and one only, the welfare of the animals I adore. I have no chip on my shoulder, just a great deal of anger in my heart that these adorable animals are so badly served by this profession because it refuses to be properly regulated.

Let's hope that the media will pursue this profession until it puts its house in order, I shall certainly never give up hounding it.


Peter Gurney



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